My journey into Real Estate started in November 2000 when I was working as a Motion Graphic Designer. At the time and whilst on the train, I kept thinking that there has to be a better way of creating wealth than just saving hard earned after tax money. Later that year, I keep hearing from one of my colleagues, that his wife had purchased an investment property and the same story would repeat every month for several months. From that day onwards, my curiousity was sparked. The seed of curiousity multiplied and made me took on her advice by enrolling into an Intensive Property Investment Mastery Training Program that cost me $15,000. The knowledge I gained from the training was priceless, from not having heard of the word ‘equity’ (prior to the training) to then gaining $45,000 equity in 2 months (after I applied the basic principles that I learned from the second day of the training) by purchasing my second investment property for $208,000 (Bentley, WA $45,000 below the Bank valuation).

From that day on, my vision has broadened and I fell in love with the concept of investing in Real Estate. Like many investors, the journey of investing has not always been in the green and never just smooth sailing, I have learned the hardway and lost money but gained new knowledge from each mistake and have grown my Property Investment Portfolio whilst empowering others to achieve and realize their own wealth creation through investing in Real Estate.


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