Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a cost for My Real Estate Broker to find a property for me?
How long does it take to find a property for me?
I am a first time property investor, would I need an Accountant or a Financial Planner prior to making a purchase decision?
I am a first home buyer and I would like to get the $15,000 grant, does the property needs to be new?
I want to buy a property in my Self-Managed Super Fund, can I buy any brand new property?

You should seek an advice from your Tax Accountant or Financial Planner, however the purchase must be on a single contract as opposed to separate house and land contracts.

Can your provide finance for my property purchase?
Do you have financial interest in the properties you sell?
Can Dual Keys properties be strata titled?
If we buy a property through My Real Estate Broker is that the end of the relationship?

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