4 Ways to Find Real Estate Property for Sale in Melbourne

Back then, buying a real estate property for sale in Melbourne seemed like a long process that involved going through multiple listings and ads. But of course, that was before the Internet era. Nowadays, people can utilise a plethora of available resources to find...

Hello world!

Australia is an extremely unique and very fortuntate to be the only Country with the fair go Western value and Law, plus it’s strategically located within the rapidly growing region of Asia. These factors have made Australia to be the most sought after Country to live...

CGC (Capital Growth Cities)

I have lived in Jakarta Indonesia for 11 years, Perth for 11 years, Sydney for 18 years and now loving the life in Beautiful Brisbane. I have invested in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth and Adelaide. When it comes to choosing the City to invest in the next 5 years,...

Popcorn Moment

My journey into Real Estate started in November 2000 when I was working as a Motion Graphic Designer. At the time and whilst on the train, I kept thinking that there has to be a better way of creating wealth than just saving hard earned after tax money. Later that...

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